7 Tips for Emotional Survival of COVID-19

Seven tips for mental and emotional survival during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In recent times, it seems the only thing anyone is able to talk about is the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social media and news outlets are completely inundated with updates surrounding the pandemic, and fear is spreading more quickly than the virus itself. But almost no one is talking about emotional survival of COVID-19.

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Let Me Grieve: A Plea for Understanding After Loss

In my opinion, one of the greatest title sequences of all time is the beginning of “Bridget Jones’s Diary.” This hilarious comedy is about an early thirty-something woman trying to take control of her unstable life by beginning a diary. In the title sequence, Bridget (protagonist and ensuing comedic goddess) is seen lounging about on her couch in cartoonish penguin pajamas while simultaneously smoking a cigarette, guzzling wine and drunkenly, but enthusiastically singing, “All by Myself” by Celine Dion. I think what makes this sequence so brilliant is the immediate relatability between the audience and Bridget. Everyone has, at some point, felt the immense weight of their problems on their shoulders. A weight and grief so heavy, you don’t want to see anyone or do anything. You just want to tell people, “Let me grieve! Please!”

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