
7 Tips for Emotional Survival of COVID-19

Seven tips for mental and emotional survival during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In recent times, it seems the only thing anyone is able to talk about is the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social media and news outlets are completely inundated with updates surrounding the pandemic, and fear is spreading more quickly than the virus itself. But almost no one is talking about emotional survival of COVID-19.

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Six Holiday Survival Tips for the Grinch in your Life

It’s that time of year again. The time of year where everyone’s sleigh bells are jingling and ring tingle tingling too. There’s hustling and bustling, shopping, get togethers and strangers showing up at your door to sing and spread cheer. To the layperson, it’s all holly and jolly and wonderful. For me, however, I spend a great deal of time humming, “It’s the most horrific time of the year.” Continue reading “Six Holiday Survival Tips for the Grinch in your Life”

How Fear Fuels Intolerance and Smothers Love

It’s interesting how fear fuels intolerance. An Atheist and a Mormon walk into a church. It sounds like the punch line to a bad joke, but it’s actually a regular occurrence in my life. I’m a Mormon, and my husband is an atheist. Well, actually, prefer the phrase, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. But this is beside the point.  The point is that he and I have two very different belief systems. To many people, it’s difficult to understand why people who seem so different married each other.

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Let Me Grieve: A Plea for Understanding After Loss

In my opinion, one of the greatest title sequences of all time is the beginning of “Bridget Jones’s Diary.” This hilarious comedy is about an early thirty-something woman trying to take control of her unstable life by beginning a diary. In the title sequence, Bridget (protagonist and ensuing comedic goddess) is seen lounging about on her couch in cartoonish penguin pajamas while simultaneously smoking a cigarette, guzzling wine and drunkenly, but enthusiastically singing, “All by Myself” by Celine Dion. I think what makes this sequence so brilliant is the immediate relatability between the audience and Bridget. Everyone has, at some point, felt the immense weight of their problems on their shoulders. A weight and grief so heavy, you don’t want to see anyone or do anything. You just want to tell people, “Let me grieve! Please!”

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Should You Take Medication For Anxiety?

I don’t, but maybe you should.

Something I get asked all the time is whether or not I take medication to help manage my anxiety. The answer to that is no, I don’t, but it’s probably not for the reasons you think. If it weren’t for other mitigating factors, I would absolutely take medication. I actually tried to for an extended period of time but could never quite make it work for me. I’ve now found ways to manage my anxiety without meds, so I don’t use them. Should you take medication for anxiety? Maybe so. But here’s some reasons why I personally choose not to use medication management as an anxiety decreasing strategy.

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Can Food Cure Anxiety? Not Likely

For those of us suffering from some form of an anxiety disorder, diet changes are often encouraged for symptom management. Although a nutrient-dense diet is beneficial for everyone and can help maintain a healthy body and mind, any diet proposed to be a cure-all for anxiety is probably going to do more harm than good. So, if you’re asking yourself, “Can food cure anxiety?” Unfortunately, probably not. Here’s some reasons why.

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If You Hurt People in the Name of God, You’re Doing it Wrong

We moved a lot during my childhood. Thirty-Four times to be exact. Surprisingly, my parents weren’t running from the law, and no, I wasn’t an army brat. My dad’s job just required a lot of moving and traveling. After moving all around The United States, if someone asked me my favorite spot, I’d have to say my South Carolina.

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Anxious People Don’t Hate You; We Hate Your Parties

Yesterday was my birthday! The day we celebrate me making it one more revolution around the sun, and this year, just like every other year, I asked for the same thing. “I want to ride my horse, eat dinner with my family and then go home, get naked and watch a movie.” That’s what I told my husband more than a week ago when he asked what I wanted to do for my birthday. He just laughed, shook his head and said sarcastically, “Oh, I’m shocked. I thought we were going to throw a big party with lots of people.” I grinned and thought to myself, “Yeah right. That will be the day.”

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How it Feels to Dance with Shame

                Last night was bad. My eyes feel heavy and the strain of staring into the computer screen adds to the nagging headache I currently possess. It seems like a strange time to sit down and try to pluck the thoughts rummaging around in my head and place them into a word document, but it’s times like this that I need it most. Writing helps me compartmentalize the chaos in my brain, to organize the things that keep me up at night. A release of the thoughts that are gnawing on my insides. Just like they were last night, and a thousand nights before that.

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What A Child With Anxiety Probably Wants You to Know

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about childhood anxiety and how it affects the way children interact with the world around them. When I was a kid no one knew that I was suffering from anxiety because no one was talking about it, particularly in children. At that time, most children treated for anxiety had some sort of Continue reading “What A Child With Anxiety Probably Wants You to Know”